One hundred years, and counting.
Since Hillel’s founding in 1923, we’ve worked toward our mission to enrich the lives of Jewish students — so they, in turn, may enrich the Jewish people and the world. Over the last 100 years, Hillel has inspired lifelong Jewish journeys for millions of college-aged students.
In April 2024, nearly 1,000 Hillel student leaders, alumni, lay leaders, and professionals from around the world came together to celebrate 100 years of Hillel’s impact on Jewish campus life and the global Jewish community. The Here’s to 100 Centennial Celebration in New York City included performances, speakers, panel discussions, videos, and storytelling, all centered around Hillel’s transformative impact … and focused on charting the course for the next century of Jewish life on campus.
Interactive Content from Here’s to 100
Watch Highlights from Here’s to 100
Lee Dranikoff Remarks
Matthew Bronfman Remarks
HIllel Centennial Opening Video
Hillel Impact Video
Hillel 100th Campus Concerns Panel
Hillel 100th Next 100 Years Panel
Hillel 100th Four Stories remarks
Learn About Hillel’s 100-Year History