News & Views

News, stories, and updates from Hillel communities worldwide

49 results

WTSeder?! Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Passover: Part One

First things first: What even IS a Seder? Every year, Jewish people tell and retell the miraculous story of the enslaved Israelites’ exodus from Egypt during a festive meal called a Seder (Say-der). In Hebrew, the word Seder means order. A Seder is a structured, home-based ritual that combines a series of choreographed rituals with […]

What Even IS Purim? Part Two: How is Purim celebrated?

Later this week, Jewish people around the world will celebrate Purim, commemorating the deliverance of the Jews of ancient Persia from persecution. In the first part of this series, we learned about the story of the holiday and explained why we love it so much! This final story in the series explores the various ways […]

What Even IS Purim? Part One: The Story Behind the Holiday

In late March, Jewish people around the world will celebrate Purim, a holiday commemorating the deliverance of the Jews of ancient Persia from persecution. In part one of this two-part series, Hillel International is exploring the story behind the holiday – and why we love it so much! When does the story of Purim take […]

What is Tu B’Shvat?

It’s cold, it’s snowing, the trees are bare… in many parts of the world, that is. But in Israel, the earliest flowers are starting to bloom and it’s time to celebrate a Jewish holiday called Tu Bishvat. 

Student planting at UVM Hillel Farm

Top Four Hillel Hanukkah Happenings

Hillels around the world rejoiced in the festival of light, even at a time when the world has been darker than usual. From Californa to Kyiv to Israel, students celebrated, grieved for those impacted by antisemitism and the Hamas-Israel War, and participated in acts of kindness to commemorate the miracle of Hanukkah.

The Ultimate Hanukkah Party Hosting Guide

1. Create a latke bar with different types of toppings and sauces. Offer classic toppings like sour cream and applesauce, but also include unique options like smoked salmon, avocado, and various flavored creams. 2. Hanukkah is all about light, so make that the focus of your decor. Combine candles, clear strung holiday lights, and even […]