50 results

Finding Empathy in the Passover Story

At my seder table growing up, we took turns passing the storytelling baton around our large table filled with multiple generations of family and guests. We each read aloud from the Haggadah, doing our part to tell the greatest story of the Jewish tradition.

Perplexed about Passover? We’ve Got You Covered

With good food, good drink, an epic story, and lively conversation, it’s no wonder Passover is one of the most celebrated Jewish holidays in the world. This year, Passover begins on the evening of April 5th, and ends on April 13th. Here are some common Passover customs and rituals, including some helpful hints for celebrating Passover on campus:

A Tale of Two Purims

Hillels across the world celebrated Purim this week, each with their own unique flair. We wanted to take you inside two Hillel Purim celebrations on opposite sides of the globe that both brought the Purim joy and fun to the party.

Meeting the Second Gentleman, Shofar in Hand

And yet, on September 22, 2022, I became the first person ever to blow the shofar at the Vice President’s residence, the Naval Observatory. This is an honor I will be proud of for the rest of my life. (My parents are proud, too.) I’m extremely thankful for the opportunity to have attended the interfaith Rosh Hashanah event, and I feel immensely proud of myself for completing the task of blowing the shofar in such exciting—and intimidating—conditions.

High Holiday Roundup

From service-oriented programs like Reverse Tashlich to apples and honey taste tests to a variety of traditional and creative services, Hillel students and staff members have been celebrating growth, joy, and wellness in the new year.

This Year, In Person

Passover has always been our gateway to come together. A way to see how everyone has grown. But as I neared college, I knew that my seder was going to look different. At least temporarily. I needed to give myself space to find new Passover traditions with my Jewish community on campus.

Charoset Across Cultures

Students from across the Hillel movement and various cultures share their family recipes for the Seder plate essential. Just as different ingredients come together to create this valuable and delicious dish, so too do Hillel students to create meaningful Jewish communities on campus.