News & Views

News, stories, and updates from Hillel communities worldwide

884 results

10 Days Is All It Takes To Change Your Life

Reflecting on my recent Birthright Israel trip through Hillel International, I would never have imagined that a 10-day trip with strangers could affect me so profoundly.

Two-Line Torah: Korach 5776–Jealousy

In the process of self-exploration and relationship building that, in part, defines the college experience, encountering jealousy is entirely natural.

International Joke Day

As today is International Joke Day, we thought it best to embrace the long tradition of Jewish humor by sharing 9 of our favorite next-generation Jewish comedians. Chock full of chutzpah, kvetching and general mishegas, these comedians are sure to have you LOLing every time you open Twitter.

Tel Aviv comes to you

Israel Fellows act as a resource for Jewish students curious about Israel and participate in Birthright trips. Above all, they represent a living link between students and Israeli society.

Advice For Incoming First Years

Off to college this fall? We asked alumni from across the country to share their best tips for surviving the first 100 days on campus.