Two-Line Torah: Korach 5776–Jealousy
In the process of self-exploration and relationship building that, in part, defines the college experience, encountering jealousy is entirely natural.

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In the process of self-exploration and relationship building that, in part, defines the college experience, encountering jealousy is entirely natural.
College is frequently a time of transition from the obvious Teachers in our lives to a murkier sense of who we might look to for direction.
Sometimes, in argument, we have a tendency to not recognize the pain we cause others until it is too late.
Israel Fellows act as a resource for Jewish students curious about Israel and participate in Birthright trips. Above all, they represent a living link between students and Israeli society.
Off to college this fall? We asked alumni from across the country to share their best tips for surviving the first 100 days on campus.
Students must see themselves – even those parts of themselves that make them fell most insecure as Jews – in those who seek to engage them.
What most strikes me is the process of my cycling back to Torah – how different the words feel in my mouth and how forgiving my relationship with Torah has been.
The power of Shavuot can be to remind us, as Jews, of where we come from.
Volunteers come to the Machane Yehuda marketplace to help the elderly carry their heavy bags to bus stops or to their homes. As “payment,” the senior shares a personal story or gives a piece of life advice.
Some might picture spiritual life at Hillel to be a top-down world in which a rabbi leads, while students merely participate. Nothing could be further from the truth.